From scratch homemade ranch dip, perfect for vegetable trays, wings, and potato chips. Ranch seasonings are pulled right from the pantry and whipped up...
This 7 layered dip recipe with refried beans and seasoned sour cream is a filling party dip perfect for any night of the week. Layers of refried beans,...
Fiesta Corn dip recipe with whole kernels of corn, green onions, and loads of Cheddar cheese making the perfect easy and cold large party dip. No fail...
Cheesy Sausage Wonton Cups - Baked crispy wonton cups filled with a cheesy sausage mixture and baked until bubbly and hot. Great for any party, get together,...
Crock Pot Cheeseburger dip is a super easy hot and melty cheese dip with seasoned ground beef, beans and Rotel. Perfect for a hearty game day recipe, this...
Marshmallow fruit dip is a 2 ingredient fruit dip that is super fluffy and amazing for fruit or pretzel dips. If you need a party snack in an instant,...
These delicious mouth-watering chicken spring rolls are usually served as an appetizer or finger food from small get-togethers or large events. You can...
Queso Blanco Dip is a Mexican white cheese dip. This easy queso dip can be served up at parties with or as a nacho cheese sauce on nachos! This white cheese...
Green Chili Chicken Enchilada Dip - Bubbling hot gooey, cheesy enchilada dip. Turn your favorite green chile chicken enchiladas into a dip perfect for...
A delicious blend of Italian & Greek olives marinates in olive oil infused with fresh herbs, lemon & plenty of garlic. Making marinated olives at home...
Creamy pumpkin fluff is a fantastic seasonal dip that pairs perfectly with the fall. This pumpkin fluff dip made with whipped cream Cool Whip and a can...
Easy Chicken Enchilada Dip, a hot melted cheese dip with a a creamy center, goes amazing on tortilla chips and is a quickly devoured and favorite dip of...
Shrimp de Johnge... This is a classic Chicago restaurant appetizer. Sizzling jumbo shrimp laced in butter, garlic and sherry, adorned with a crispy bread...
Layered Greek Dip with Hummus, Cucumber, Tabouli Salad and Feta Cheese is a Unique Mediterranean inspired dip that screams of delicious, Greek flavors....
Homemade Tortilla chips made from corn tortillas are a delicious way to enjoy an authentic Mexican appetizer or meal. Start your nachos off with crispy...
Its easy to make ultimate nacho cheese dip using a slow cooker! This crock pot cheese dip comes together with melty Velveeta, Rotel tomatoes, flavorful...
Buffalo Chicken Dip (No Ranch) Recipe - delicious oven baked chicken dip that is perfect for parties and just the right amount of heat. Serve with tortillas...
Ready in about 10 minutes, Jalapeno Aioli is simple to make, using simple ingredients, that's simply crazy good with flavor. Use as a dipping sauce,...
Keto Cheese Crisps can be made in 5 minutes for a perfect chips substitution, to layer with delicious dips or to simply eat on their own. Slightly (ok,...
This is a recipe for easy and flavorful Chipotle Black Bean Corn Salsa made with canned beans. A perfect appetizer for that next bowl of corn chips, or...
Hot Artichoke Dip Recipe - this baked artichoke dip is creamy, cheesy, and the perfect appetizer for any get together. Easy to make ahead and always disappears...
Easy homemade savory potato pancake recipe made with potatoes, onion, egg, all-purpose flour and seasonings. These crispy potato pancakes are delicious...
Indian Samosas can be easy to make with the help of wonton wrappers. These can be baked, steamed, shallow fried or deep fried. Dip these beauties into...
Sweet and satisfying, Cherry Cheesecake dip made with Cool Whip topping, cream cheese, and marshmallow fluff is simple and quick. Done in 5 minutes, create...
Cream cheese ham ball smothered in pecan pieces, an easy WOW appetizer that uses up left over diced ham for one of the easiest cheese ball recipes EVER!...
Baked Feta Cheese Dip with a block of fresh feta cheese, Grape tomatoes, and fresh basil is a delicious savory and cheesy appetizer dip, perfect for bagel...
Amazing cream cheese and Parmesan stuffed Portobello mushrooms caps, oven baked to perfection. This appetizer or side dish recipe is low carb/keto Friendly...
Chinese Salt and Pepper Chicken is a restaurant takeout favorite and it's easy to make at home. I love this spicy version with Szechuan peppercorns and...
These vegan salad rolls are filled with quick pickled carrots, rice noodles, and other veggies and fresh herbs. Serve them with spicy peanut sauce for...
These crostini party appetizers will start your next holiday gathering off to a tasty start. They are made with home made French bread crudites and are...